Report Workers’ Compensation, Property, Liability, or Auto Claim

Report a Claim

Report a Workers’ Compensation Claim

If your employee gets hurt on the job, be sure they receive medical treatment as soon as possible. If you’re not sure where to send them, we can help you find a clinic or medical provider. It’s important that you report the work-related injury or illness to Zenith as soon as you know about it. From there, you don’t have to figure out what to do. Zenith’s dedicated team will help you through every aspect of the claim and keep you fully informed.

Medical Transportation Options
Minor injuries such as sprains and strains may not require transportation by ambulance to a medical facility. Ambulance charges often exceed $1000, and are reportable on your experience modification. Other transportation options are available and less costly.

If your employee sustains a minor on-the-job injury that doesn’t require ambulance transport, but does require transportation to a doctor, we suggest utilizing other local transportation options, including Uber, Lyft, or taxi.

Not all injuries require ambulance transport. When appropriate, cost-effective medical transportation can be arranged through the following resource:

Procare Transportation Services
Phone: 866-941-7878
Fax: 813-769-3883

However, if your employee is in need of immediate emergency medical treatment, please call 911. The responding ambulance company will transport your injured employee to the nearest medical facility.

How to report a workers’ compensation claim

Please have the following information on hand when you report a claim:

  1. Your policy number
  2. Description, date, and time of incident
  3. Injured employee’s name, address, Social Security number, date of hire, occupation, wages, and date of birth
  4. If the employee received medical attention for the injury prior to your call, the name, address, and phone number of the medical provider

Once we receive the claim, we can also answer any questions you or your employee may have about workers’ compensation processes and benefits.

Report by phone: 800-440-5020

Report by email: 

Provide all of the information listed above.

Report by fax: 800-440-5022

Provide all of the information listed above.

Report online: Click below to submit an online report of injury and instantly receive a claim number.

Report a Property, Liability, or Auto Claim

When you have a claim, you need to get your business running smoothly again as soon as possible. We help by making it easy for you to report your claim online or by phone 24/7.

Once you’ve reported your claim, a Zenith claims representative will contact you typically within one business day to guide you through the process and keep you fully informed.

How to report a property, liability, or auto claim

Please have the following information on hand when you report a claim:

  1. Your policy number
  2. Description, date, and time of incident

Report online

Report by phone: 877-581-8237


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