Privacy Center

Privacy Center

Welcome to Zenith’s Privacy Center.  At Zenith, your trust is important to us.  We are dedicated to respecting your privacy.

Although our products and services are intended for commercial use, we may, at times, collect personal information when necessary to conduct the business of insurance.  Personal information is information, or a combination of information, that allow you to be identified.  We recognize the importance of protecting your personal information and are committed to processing it responsibly and in compliance with applicable data protection laws.

Here you can learn more information about Zenith’s privacy practices.  We describe how we process personal information relating to you and any rights you may have with respect to such information.

For information regarding our Privacy Statement, click here.

For information regarding our CCPA Privacy Policy for California Residents, click here.

The Privacy Center may be revised and modified at some time in the future.  Please check back periodically to keep informed of updates.


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