Locating a Provider


Helping You With Your Claim From Start To Finish

Locating a Medical Provider*

Your employer may help you find a medical provider. Depending on your location, you can also find a provider through our Provider Search Tool.


Medical treatment for work-related injuries and illnesses is provided through our Zenith Medical Provider Network ID# 3142 (ZMPN), a customized network of physicians, hospitals, outpatient facilities, and ancillary service providers throughout California. Providers are included only for locations listed. Treatment obtained at locations not listed is considered out-of-network and may be subject to denial.

A chiropractor cannot be the injured employee’s treating physician after the injured employee receives 24 chiropractic visits, unless Zenith has authorized additional visits in writing. The term “chiropractic visit” means any chiropractic office visit, regardless of whether services performed involve chiropractic manipulation or are limited to evaluation and management. If medical treatment is required after 24 chiropractic visits, a new physician who is not a chiropractor must be selected.

The ZMPN online directory allows you to perform searches to locate a provider, create custom directories and rosters, and access a complete listing of all providers in the ZMPN. You may access the ZMPN online directory as well as the Roster of All Treating Physicians and the Roster of All Participating Providers in the ZMPN. Click Provider Search Tool, and then select the appropriate response using the pull-down menus under Who?, What?, and Where?. (Once you are in the Provider Search Tool, links to the Roster of All Treating Physicians and the Roster of All Participating Providers in the ZMPN are found at the bottom of the Find a Medical Provider search page.)

If you need help verifying an address or scheduling an appointment, you may contact a Medical Access Assistant toll free at 800-440-5020, 7 a.m. – 8 p.m. Pacific, Monday through Saturday.

If you have other concerns such as a complaint or question about the ZMPN, or for help with an MPN Independent Medical Review, you may call the ZMPN Contact at 800-440-5020 or 800-841-3988 (Provider Group).

ZMPN Time of Injury – Employee Notice
Predesignation of Personal Physician – Form


ZHCN Notice of Network Requirements

*Provider search tools are for use only when Zenith Insurance Company or ZNAT Insurance Company are the underwriting carrier. Contact Zenith for assistance if Zenith is providing claims administration services only.


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