Claim Note Acronyms

Claim Note Acronyms


  • AA – Applicant Attorney
  • AC – Activity Check
  • ADL – Activities of Daily Living
  • ADL – Approved Doctor’s List (TX)
  • ALF – Assisted Living Facility
  • AME – Agreed Medical Examiner
  • AOE/COE – Arising Out of Employment / in the Course of Employment
  • AWW – Average Weekly Wage


  • BFOLD – Bona Fide Offer of Light Duty


  • CA/CAS – Claims Assistant
  • CCH – Contested Case Hearing
  • CE – Claims Examiner
  • COC – Continuity of Care
  • CRPS – Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome
  • CRT – Claims Round Table
  • CSR – Customer Service Representative
  • CT – Cumulative Trauma
  • CTS – Carpal-Tunnel Syndrome
  • CTU – Cold Therapy Unit
  • C&R – Compromise & Release (full settlement, closes claim)
  • C&S – Course and Scope


  • DA – Defense Attorney
  • DB – Death Benefits
  • DD – Designated Doctor
  • DFR – Doctor’s First Report
  • DME – Durable Medical Equipment
  • DOB – Date of Birth
  • DOD – Date of Death
  • DOE – Date of Exam
  • DOH – Date of Hire
  • DOI – Date of Injury
  • DOL – Date of Loss
  • DOR – Declaration of Readiness
  • DOS – Date of Service
  • DWC – Division of Workers’ Compensation
  • DX – Diagnosis


  • EE – Employee
  • EOB – Explanation of Benefits
  • EOP – Explanation of Payment
  • EOR – Explanation of Review
  • ER – Employer
  • ERTW – Early Return to Work


  • FCE – Functional Capacity Evaluation
  • FCM – Field Case Manager
  • FD – Full Duty
  • FM – Future Medical
  • FNC – Field Nurse Consultant
  • FROI – First Report of Injury
  • FRP – Functional Restoration Program
  • FS – Full Salary
  • FX – Fracture
  • F&A – Findings & Award (when a judge issues a ruling on a case taken to trial)
  • F/S – First Seen
  • F/U – Follow Up


  • HEP – Home Exercise Program
  • HIPAA – Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
  • HX – History


  • IBR – Independent Bill review
  • IIBs – Impairment Income Benefits
  • IME – Independent Medical Exam
  • IMR – Independent Medical Review
  • Insd – Insured
  • IOV – Initial Office Visit
  • IP – Initial Payment
  • IR – Impairment Rating
  • IRO – Independent Review Organization
  • IW – Injured Worker


  • JA – Job Analysis
  • JD – Job description


  • LC – Labor Code
  • LD – Light Duty
  • LDW – Last Day Worked
  • LE – Life Expectancy
  • LM – Left Message
  • LOV – Last Office Visit
  • LP – Life Pension
  • L/S – Last Seen


  • MCC – Major Contributing Cause
  • MCPW – Medical Care Projection Worksheet
  • MDR – Medical Dispute Resolution
  • MMI – Maximum Medical Improvement (The injured employee is discharged with possible restrictions, permanent disability and/or future medical)
  • MMN – Medical Management Nurse
  • MO – Medical Only
  • MPN – Medical Provider Network
  • MSA – Medicare Set Aside
  • MSC – Mandatory Settlement Conference
  • MVA – Motor Vehicle Accident
  • MW – Modified Work


  • NC – Nurse Consultant
  • NCM – Nurse Case Manager
  • NOI – Notice of Injury
  • N/V or NOV – Next Office Visit


  • OCC/OCCM – One Call Care Management (Coordinates specialty care such as physical therapy, diagnostics and medical equipment)
  • OOW – Out of Work
  • OP – Overpayment
  • OT – Occupational Therapy
  • OTC – One Time Change
  • OV – Office visit


  • PA – Plaintiff Attorney
  • PADS – Drug Screen
  • PC – Phone Call
  • PC – Plaintiff counsel
  • PCP – Primary Care Physician
  • PD – Permanent Disability
  • PDA – Permanent Disability Advance
  • PDR – Provider Dispute Resolution
  • PH – Policy Holder
  • PIF – Paid in Full
  • PIR – Permanent Impairment Rating
  • POA – Plan of Action
  • PPD – Permanent Partial Disability
  • PQME – Panel Qualified Medical Evaluator (independent doctor selected off a state issued list)
  • PT – Physical Therapy
  • PTD – Permanent Total Disability
  • PTIBs – Partial TIBs (Temporary Income Benefits)
  • PTP – Primary Treating Physician
  • PWR – Permanent Work Restrictions
  • P&S – Permanent & Stationary (the injured employee is discharged with possible restrictions, permanent disability and/or future medical)


  • QME – Qualified Medical Evaluator (independent doctor selected off a state issued list)


  • RLE – Reduced Life Expectancy
  • RME – Required Medical Exam
  • RN – Registered Nurse
  • RRTW – Release to Return to Work
  • RT – Round Table
  • RTW – Return to Work
  • RX – Prescription
  • R/S – Recorded Statement


  • SC – Salary Continuation
  • SIBs – Supplemental Income Benefits
  • SIU – Special Investigation Unit
  • SJDB – Supplemental Job Displacement Voucher
  • SLU – Serious Loss Unit
  • SNF – Skilled Nursing Facility
  • Stip – Stipulation (leaves future medical open)
  • SX – Surgery
  • S&H – Safety & Health
  • S&W – Serious & Willful


  • TD – Temporary Disability
  • TIBs – Temporary Income Benefits
  • TIN – Tax ID Number
  • TOC – Transfer of Care
  • TP – Treating Provider
  • TPA – Third Party Administrator
  • TPD – Temporary Partial Disability
  • TTD – Temporary Total Disability
  • TWA – Transitional Work Assignment
  • Tx – Treatment/Treating


  • UP – Underpayment
  • U&C – Usual & Customary


  • VR – Vocational Rehabilitation
  • VRC- Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor


  • WCAB – Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board
  • WCJ – Workers’ Compensation Judge
  • WL – Wage Loss
  • WP – Waiting Period
  • WPI – Whole Person Impairment
  • WS – Wage Statement


  • ZMD – Zenith Medical Director
  • ZMPN – Zenith Medical Provider Network
  • ZPN – Zenith Provider Network


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